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16th Annual International Conference

Rose Hall Hilton Hotel

Montego Bay, Jamaica

November 7-8, 2014


Local Organizers: Dr. William Aiken

                                Dr. Belinda Morrison

Keynote Speakers

AUA Sponsored Speaker


Prof. Michael Coburn

Urology Residency Program Director

Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas

Chairman, ACGME Residency Review Committee

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BJUI Sponsored Speaker


Prof. Francis Xavier Keeley

Consultant Urologist, Bristol Urological Institute

Honorary Secretary, British Association of Urological Surgeons

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SIU Sponsored Speaker


Prof. Grannum Sant

Chair of Urology

Tufts University School of Medicine

Boston, Massachusetts


Prof. Arthur Burnett

Patrick C. Walsh Professor of Urology
Director, Basic Science Laboratory in Neurourology
Director, Sexual Medicine Fellowship Program
Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions


Conference Highlights

Panel Discussion - Urological Education in the Caribbean : The Way Forward.


Dr. Robin Roberts, Prof. Frank Keeley, Prof. Mike Coburn, Dr. Belinda Morrison, Prof. Grannum Sant, Prof. Arthur Burnett, Dr. Lester Goetz.

(Left to right)

AUA/CURA Joint Symposium - Active Surveillance and the Afro-Caribbean Man.


Prof. Curtis Pettaway, Prof. Mike Coburn, Dr. Chad Ritch, Prof. Grannum Sant, Prof. Arthur Burnett, Dr. Bellinda Morrison.

(Left to right)

2014 Honoree - Prof. LL Douglas OJ receives a plaque from Dr. Bellinda Morrison

Dr. Bellinda Morrison, Mr. Deen Sharma, Prof. Douglas

(Left to right)

New Honorary Members

Prof. Mike Coburn and Prof. Frank Keeley receive certificates of membership from CURA's President Mr. Deen Sharma

Residents Research Presentations

Dr. Satyendra Persaud, Dr. Kirk Gooden, Dr. Preci Hamilton, Dr. Adrian Rhudd, Dr. Davon Mitchell

(Left to right, composite photo)

2014 Best Resident Research Presentation

Dr. Rajendra Sukhraj receives a prize from Prof. Arthur Burnett

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